Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Late Blight Confirmed on Tomatoes In Henderson County

Late blight was confirmed in the plant pathology lab today at the research station in Mills River. The sample came from a field in Henderson County. Reports of the disease will most likely start popping up all over WNC.

Review my last post on Late Blight and Dr. Kelly Ivors Factsheet on Tomato Late Blight for details on the pathogen.

Conventional growers are advised to use a chlorothalonil product or Revus Top (mandidpropamid + difenoconazole) if late blight is not detected in the planting as a protectant. If late blight is confirmed in your planting, a combination of Presidio (fluopicolide) tank mixed with chlorothalonil is recommended. Other effecacious products labeled for late blight on tomato include: Curzate (cymoxanil) and Tanos (famoxadone + cymoxanil).

Organic growers are urged to use preventative sprays to manage late blight because the disease can progress very quickly. Do not wait to see disease to treat! Recommended control involves: Copper + Serenade (Bacillus subtilis QST 713, labeled for late blight suppression only) alternated with Copper + Sonata (Bacillus pumulis QST 2808).

Good luck!

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